Find your place to serve…

Serving on Sunday Morning…

Worship Liturgist Team: We’d like to include a variety of faces and voices in our worship leadership on Sunday mornings. Let us know if you would be interested in taking a turn now and then at leading congregational prayers, inviting the congregation to share the peace of Christ, and reading scripture. We’d love to involve you.

Welcome Team: We want to provide a welcome so warm and inviting that new people can’t wait to come back the following week! We need outgoing and friendly greeters to help create a culture of welcome and care for our community.

Hospitality Team: Do you love to host parties and help out in the kitchen? We need helpful people to brew delicious coffee and serve tasty snacks for our growing congregation.

Production Team: If you’re interested in how we are using audio/visual technology as a way to enhance the worship experience for everyone, consider helping at the production desk.

Childcare Team: We don’t have many kids at Grace-Trinity, but we still want to provide a clean, safe, and fun experience for them! If you love children and want to help care for them (and give parents the opportunity to worship), sign-up to take part.

Use the form below to sign-up

Thanks for your interest! Be sure to click all the volunteer opportunities that apply and someone will follow-up with you soon!




New elders and deacons on their ordination day

Serving our Community…

In 2022, Grace-Trinity is committed to deepening our relationships with Joyce Uptown Foodshelf and the Community Groups who use our building.

Joyce Uptown Foodshelf: The Foodshelf serves nearly 13,000 of our neighbors in need each year. We are planning monthly food drives to support their work.

Community Groups: Grace-Trinity has been home to twelve-step and other community groups that provide a vital mental health service to those who take part. We’ll be working to clean, paint, and refresh the lower level of our building to provide better spaces for these important groups to meet.