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Make a Forward Together payment

An exciting, new chapter in Grace-Trinity’s rich history is about to begin!

To become the church God is calling us to be, we are reimagining our physical space to help expand our community and our mission.

As we grow in faith, our beautiful sanctuary will remain at the heart of our journey: a warm and inviting space for worship and prayer.
As we grow in number, our brighter and larger gathering spaces promise to create more capacity for social and community events.
As we grow in mission, our renovation will communicate a new and important sense of openness, welcome, and accessibility to the neighborhood and city beyond our walls.

With great hope and faith, we are stepping into the future...moving Forward Together! Click here to see our design.

For those who wish to make a new or updated commitment to our campaign, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. If you have questions or would like to discuss your commitment with a member of our campaign team, click here.